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Oil And Water by Incubus Oil And Water intro e|------------------------------7-7--| use pinky or ring finger to accent B|-----------------------------------| the high A G|--------7-----7---9-----9-----9-9--| D|--9-9-9---9-9---9---9-9---9-9------| A|-----------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------| verse 1 e|------------------------------7-7--| x5 B|o---------------------------------o| G|--7-----7-----7---9-----9-----9-9--| D|----9-9---9-9---9---9-9---9-9------| A|o---------------------------------o| E|-----------------------------------| bridge 1 e|--------------7----| x3 B|o---------8-----8-o| G|----9---9---9------| D|--9---9------------| A|o-----------------o| E|-------------------| e|-------------10---| B|-----8------------| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9-------9--------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7---| B|---------8-----8-| G|---9---9---9-----| D|-9---9-----------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| e|-------------7---| B|-----8---------8-| G|---9---9---9-----| D|-9-------9-------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| e|-7---7---7---7-7---------------------10--| B|---7---7---------10-10-10-10b11r10-8-----| G|-----------9-9-9-9-----------------------| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| verse 2 e|------------------------------7-7--| B|o---------------------------------o| x4 G|--7-----7-----7---9-----9-----9-9--| D|----9-9---9-9---9---9-9---9-9------| A|o---------------------------------o| E|-----------------------------------| bridge 2 e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7---| B|-----8---------8-| G|---9---9---9-----| D|-9-------9-------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------10---| B|-----8------------| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9-------9--------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------7----------| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---------9----| D|-9---9-----9------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-7---7---7---7-7-------------------------| B|---7---7---------10-10-10-10b11r10-8---8-| G|-----------9-9-9-9-------------------9---| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| chorus 1 e|---------------------------------------------------| B|-3-------1-------0---------------------------------| G|-4-----4-2---2-4-0---2-4-3---3---3-----------------| D|-5---7---3-------2-------5-7---7---7-8/7/3-3/5-5-5-| A|-5-------3-------2-------6-----------------3/5-5-5-| E|-3-------1-------0-------0-----------------1/3-3-3-| verse 3 e|------------------------------7-7--| x4 B|o---------------------------------o| G|--7-----7-----7---9-----9-----9-9--| D|--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--| A|o---------------------------------o| E|-----------------------------------| bridge 3 e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7---| B|-----8---------8-| G|---9---9---9-----| D|-9-------9-------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------10---| B|-----8------------| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9-------9--------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------7----------| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---------9----| D|-9---9-----9------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-7---7---7---7-7-------------------------| B|---7---7---------10-10-10-10b11r10-8---8-| G|-----------9-9-9-9-------------------9---| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| chorus 2 e|----------------------------------| strum harder on these chords, use B|o-3-------------------------------| pinky/ring finger to accent the G|--4-----------------------4-------| high A and high B throughout D|--5-----5-----5---7-------5-------| A|o-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-| E|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e|---------------------------------| B|-1-------------------------------| G|-2---------------2-------4-------| D|-3-----3-----3---3-------3-------| A|-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-| E|-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e|---------------------------------| B|-0-------------------------------| G|-0---------------2-------4-------| D|-2-----2-----2---2-------2-------| A|-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-| E|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e|------------------------------| x2 B|-----------------------------o| G|-3-----3---3------------------| use pinky/ring finger to strum the D|-5---7---7---7-8/7/3-3/5-5-5--| Bb A|-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-----3/5-5-5-o| E|-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-----1/3-3-3--| ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ solo (slight bend after each strum) e|------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-444444444444444422222222222222222222222222222222-----------------| D|-5555555555555555333333333333333322222222222222225555555500000000-| A|-------------------------------------------------6666666622222222-| E|------------------------------------------------------------------| e|------------------------------7-7--| B|o---------------------------------o| x4 G|--7-----7-----7---9-----9-----9-9--| D|----9-9---9-9---9---9-9---9-9------| A|o---------------------------------o| E|-----------------------------------| verse 4 e|------------------------------7-7--| x4 B|o---------------------------------o| G|--7-----7-----7---9-----9-----9-9--| D|--9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--| A|o---------------------------------o| E|-----------------------------------| bridge 4 e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7---| B|-----8---------8-| G|---9---9---9-----| D|-9-------9-------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------10---| B|-----8------------| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9-------9--------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------7----------| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---------9----| D|-9---9-----9------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-------------7----| B|---------8-----8--| G|---9---9---9------| D|-9---9------------| A|------------------| E|------------------| e|-7---7---7---7-7-------------------------| B|---7---7---------10-10-10-10b11r10-8---8-| G|-----------9-9-9-9-------------------9---| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| ending e|-----------------------------------| x4 use pinky/ring finger to accent B|o---------------------------------o| high G, high A, and high B G|--------------------------4--------| D|--5---------------7-------5--------| A|o-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-o| E|--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3--| ^ ^ ^ e|--------| B|-3------| G|-4------| D|-5------| A|-5------| E|-3------| ^ You and I are like oil and water And we've been trying, trying trying Ohhhh, to mix it up. We've been dancing on a volcano And we've been crying, crying, crying Over blackened souls. Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, it will not be the last time. There is no parasol that would shelter this weather. I been smiling with anchors on my shoulders But I've been dying, dying, dying Ohh, Ohh, Oh to let them go. Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, it will not be the last time. There is no parasol that would shelter this weather. Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, it will not be the last time. We were trying to believe that everything would get better. We've been lying to each other Hey! Babe! Let's just call it what it is! Oil and Water! Oil and Water! Oil and Water! -------------- version 2 (Intro) Figure 1 Play 1X e---------------77-| B------------------| G----7--7-9--9-----| D-999-9999999999---| A------------------| E------------------| (Verse) (Verse End) Figure 2 4X Figure 3 1X e---------------77 ---------------7-|let ring B----------------- -----------------| G-7--7--7-9--9---- -7--7--7-9--9----| D-99999999999999-- -99999999999999--| A----------------- -----------------| E----------------- -----------------| "You and/ I are/ Like oil and Water/ And we've been..." (Verse and Chorus) Figure 4 3X Figure 5 1X Figure 4 2X Figure 6 Play 1X e--------7-- -------10- -------7-- -7--7--7-----10--| B-----8---8- -----8---- -----8--8- -----------8---8-| G--9-9-9---- --9-9-9--- --9-9-8--- --10-10-9-9-9----| D-9-9------- -9-9------ -9-9------ -----------------| A----------- ---------- ---------- -----------------| E----------- ---------- ---------- -----------------| "...trying,/ trying,/ trying,/ oh,/to mix it up" Verse (Figure 3 this time) 6X "We've been/dancing/on a volcano/and we've been..." (Chorus) Figure 7 1X e-7--3--7--3--7--3--------| *You can use power chords B-9--5--9--5--9--5--8---3-| *Here as well, but these G-9--5--9--5--9--5--10--5-| *chords are more more complete D-9--5--9--5--9--5--10--5-| A-7--3--7--3--7--3--8---3-| *Here a second guitar comes in E-7--3--7--3--7--3--8---3-| *and plays figures 4 thru 6 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 7x 8x *as a counter-melody "crying,/crying,/crying,/oh oh/over blackened souls" (Post-Chorus) Figure 8 1X e--------- ------ ------ -----------------| B--------- ------ ------ -----------------| G--slower- -slow -slow-- -faster----------| D-5-7-9-3- 7-9-2- 7-9-1- -3-5-7-8-5-8-7-5-| A--------- ------ ------ -----------------| E--------- ------ ------ -----------------| "Babe, This/Wouldn't be the first time/ Will not be the last time/ There is no parasol/ that can shelter this weather" Verse (Figure 3 4X) "I've been/ smiling/ with anchors on my shoulders/ but I've been..." Chorus (Guitar 1 Figure 4(3X),5(1X),4(2X),6(1X)and Guitar 2 Figure 7 1X) "dying/ dying/ dy/ing/ ohh,ohh,ohh/ to let them go" Post-Chorus (Figure 8 2X) "Babe, This/ Wouldn't be the first time/ It will not be the last time/ There is no parasol/ that can shelter this weather/ Babe, This/ Wouldn't be the first time/ It will not be the last time/ We were trying to believe/ everything would/ get better!" (Bridge) Figure 9 1X e------------------| B------------------| G-12--11--10--7----| D-12--11--10--7--3-| A-10--9---8---5--3-| E-10--9---8---5--1-| (16X 16X 16X 8X 8X) Verse (Figure 3 4X clean, then 4X light distortion) and... Figure 10 (1X In background, during clean verse) e--------- ---------| B-9-8-6-5- -9-8-6-5-| G-8-7-5-4- -9-8-6-5-| D-9-8-6-5- -9-8-6-5-| A--------- ---------| E--------- ---------| "We been/ lying/ to each other/Hey! Babe!/ Chorus (Guitar 1 plays figures 4-6, Guitar 2 plays Figure 7 1X) "Let's just/ Call it/ Call it/ ohhh/ what it is!/ (Ending) Figure 11 e--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------| B--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------| G--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------| D-5- -7-9-10-5- -7-9-10-5- -7-9-10-5- -7-9-10-5-| A--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------| E--- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------| "Oil and Water!/Oil and Water!/Oil and Water!" You and I are like oil and water And we've been trying, trying trying Ohhhh, to mix it up. We've been dancing on a volcano And we've been crying, crying, crying Over blackened souls. Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, it will not be the last time. There is no parasol that would shelter this weather. I been smiling with anchors on my shoulders But I've been dying, dying, dying Ohh, Ohh, Oh to let them go. Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, it will not be the last time. There is no parasol that would shelter this weather. Babe, this wouldn't be the first time, it will not be the last time. We were trying to believe that everything would get better. We've been lying to each other Hey! Babe! Let's just call it what it is! Oil and Water! Oil and Water! Oil and Water! -------------- version 3 VERSE- G (6 fr.) You & I are like oil & water Em C Em C Em C & we’ve been trying, trying, trying F C G ohhhhh, to mix it up. G (6 fr.) We’ve been dancing on a volcano Em C Em C Em C & we’ve been crying, crying, crying F C G over blackened souls. F Babe, this wouldn’t be the first time. Em It will not be the last time. Eb G There is no parasol that could shelter this weather. G (6 fr.) I been smiling with anchors on my shoulders Em C Em C Em C But I’ve been dying, dying, dying F C G ohhh, ohhh, oh to let them go. F Babe, this wouldn’t be the first time. Em It will not be the last time. Eb G There is no parasol that could shelter this weather. F Babe, this wouldn’t be the first time. Em It will not be the last time. Eb C-B-Bb-A We were trying to believe everything would get better. G-G6-G-G6 G C G We been lying to each other G C Em C Em C Em C Hey! Babe! Let’s just call it, call it, call it F C G Ohhhhhhhhhhh, what it is! G Am C Oil & water! G Am C Oil & water! G Am C Oil & water! --------