TAB by Song : 60333
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No One Understands by Bayside No One Understands Tuning (this tab): D Tuning [ D G C F A D ] Tuing: D Standard For the people who do not know, Bayside plays most of their songs in D Standard. The rest of their songs are tuned into drop C. It should be: D A F C G D SO if you'd like to play just like Bayside, I suggest you tune it to that. If you're a beginner, just play it regular Standard tuning (: I'm about 100% on this song. It's just the rhythm part, but I'll have the lead figured out in no time so keep checkin' in. Anthony Raneri - Singer/Guitar 1 Intro D|---------------------------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------------------------| F|-77-777--77-777----------77-777----------77-777----------77-777------| C|-77-777--77-777--77-777--77-777--55-555--77-777--77-777--77-777------| G|-55-555--55-555--77-777--55-555--55-555--55-555--77-777--55-555------| D|-----------------55-555----------33-333----------55-555---------10/--|x1 ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** ** *** D|----------------------| A|----------------------| F|----------------------| C|-55-4-5-7-99-7-9-7----| G|-55-4-5-7-99-7-9-7----| D|-33-2-3-5-77-5-7-5----|x2 ** * * * ** * * * D|-----------------| A|-----------------| F|-7-77--7-77------| C|-7-77--7-77------| G|-5-55--5-55------| D|------------10/--|x1 D|----------------------| A|----------------------| F|----------------------| C|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9-7----| G|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9-7----| D|-3--2-3-5-7--5-7-5----|x3 D|-----------------| A|-----------------| F|-7-77--7-77------| C|-7-77--7-77------| G|-5-55--5-55------| D|------------10/--|x1 Verse D|----------------------------------------------------------------| A|----------------------------------------------------------------| F|-777777777777----------777777----------777777----------777777---| C|-777777777777--777777--777777--555555--777777--777777--777777---| G|-555555555555--777777--555555--555555--555555--777777--555555---| D|---------------555555----------333333----------555555-----------|x1 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Pre-chorus D|-------------------| A|-------------------| F|-------------------| C|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9---| G|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9---| D|-3--2-3-5-7--5-7---|x1 D|---------------------| A|---------------------| F|---------------------| C|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9-7---| G|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9-7---| D|-3--2-3-5-7--5-7-5---|x2 D|-----------------| A|-----------------| F|-7-77--7-77------| C|-7-77--7-77------| G|-5-55--5-55------| D|------------10/--|x1 Chorus D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-77777777-1212121212121212---| C|-77777777-1212121212121212---| G|-55555555-1010101010101010---| D|------------------------------|x2 D|-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------| F|-------------------------------------| C|-9999999999999999-5555555555555555---| G|-9999999999999999-5555555555555555---| D|-7777777777777777-3333333333333333---|x1 D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-77777777-1212121212121212---| C|-77777777-1212121212121212---| G|-55555555-1010101010101010---| D|------------------------------|x2 D|-----------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------| F|---------------------------99999999------------| C|-1010101010101010-99999999-99999999-77777777---| G|-1010101010101010-99999999-77777777-77777777---| D|-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8--77777777----------55555555---|x1 D|-----------------| A|-----------------| F|-7-77--7-77------| C|-7-77--7-77------| G|-5-55--5-55------| D|------------10/--|x1 Verse 2 (Come in at 1:29) D|-------------------| A|-------------------| F|-------------------| C|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9---| G|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9---| D|-3--2-3-5-7--5-7---|x1 D|---------------------| A|---------------------| F|---------------------| C|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9-7---| G|-5--4-5-7-9--7-9-7---| D|-3--2-3-5-7--5-7-5---|x2 D|------------| A|------------| F|-7-77-------| C|-7-77-------| G|-5-55-------| D|------10/---|x1 Chorus D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-77777777-1212121212121212---| C|-77777777-1212121212121212---| G|-55555555-1010101010101010---| D|------------------------------|x2 D|-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------| F|-------------------------------------| C|-9999999999999999-5555555555555555---| G|-9999999999999999-5555555555555555---| D|-7777777777777777-3333333333333333---|x1 D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-77777777-1212121212121212---| C|-77777777-1212121212121212---| G|-55555555-1010101010101010---| D|------------------------------|x2 D|-----------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------| F|---------------------------99999999------------| C|-1010101010101010-99999999-99999999-77777777---| G|-1010101010101010-99999999-77777777-77777777---| D|-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8--77777777----------55555555---|x1 D|-------------------| A|-------------------| F|-77-777-777-77-----| C|-77-777-777-77-7---| G|-55-555-555-55-7---| D|---------------5---|x1 Bridge D|-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------| F|-----7~-------7~-----------7~--------| C|-5~--7--4~-5~-7--7~--9~-5~-7--4~-5~--| G|-5---5--4--5--5--7---9--5--5--4--5---| D|-3------2--3-----5---7--3-----2--3---|x1 Build-up D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| F|-------------------------------| C|-7777-9999-11111111-12121212---| G|-7777-9999-11111111-12121212---| D|-5555-7777-9-9-9-9--10101010---|x1 **** **** * * * * * * * * Higher note Chorus D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-99999999-1414141414141414---| C|-99999999-1414141414141414---| G|-77777777-1212121212121212---| D|-----------------------------|x2 D|-----------------------------------------------------| A|-----------------------------------------------------| F|-----------------------------------------------------| C|-11111111111111111111111111111111-7777777777777777---| G|-11111111111111111111111111111111-7777777777777777---| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--5555555555555555---|x1 D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-99999999-1414141414141414---| C|-99999999-1414141414141414---| G|-77777777-1212121212121212---| D|-----------------------------|x2 D|-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------| F|-------------------------------------| C|-1212121212121212-1111111111111111---| G|-1212121212121212-1111111111111111---| D|-1010101010101010-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9----|x1 D|-----------------------------| A|-----------------------------| F|-1111111111111111------------| C|-1111111111111111-99999999---| G|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9--99999999---| D|------------------77777777---|x3 Outro D|----------------| A|----------------| F|-9-99--9-99-9~--| C|-9-99--9-99-9---| G|-7-77--7-77-7---| D|----------------|x1 I've always played the fool around here I'm starting to worry that I rush through life forgetting to breathe We all need some time to adapt No one understands No one understands what it's like I had high hopes of silver and gold I thought things could change for the best My mom always said I was named for a saint But I never felt I was blessed No one understands No one understands No one understands what its like I got your cure right here Is that what you wanna hear? I played the fool too many times I've been catching up for all my lies And it seems It gets harder to believe It gets harder but be honest If the sun don't shine tomorrow, We'll survive I turn this up as loud as it goes And it ain't too much for the pain It's up to me and the heart on my sleeve That hasn't quite been the same No one understands No one understands No one understands what it's like I got your cure right here Is that what you wanna hear? I played the fool too many times I've been catching up for all my lies And it seems It gets harder to believe It gets harder but be honest If the sun don't shine tomorrow, We'll survive I'm in a field of land mines A cruise ship, the hell oh But I dont think about that It's so hard to find help these days When everyone's counting on me But I'm burnt already I got your cure right here Is that what you wanna hear? I played the fool too many times I've been catching up for all my lies And it seems It gets harder to believe It gets harder but be honest If the sun don't shine tomorrow, If the sun don't shine tomorrow, If the sun don't shine tomorrow, Then we'll survive -------------- version 2 . = palm mute \ = slide ~ = ring out (didn't have time to figure out guitar two's part, sorry) Drop D Intro (palm mute) e|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--55-555--55-555----------55-555--1010-101010--55-555----------55-555--| D|--55-555--55-555--55-555--55-555--1010-101010--55-555--55-555--55-555--| A|--33-333--33-333--55-555--33-333---8-8--8-8-8--33-333--55-555--33-333--| D|------------------55-555-------------------------------55-555----------| e|--------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------55-555-55-555-------| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7--55-555-55-555-------| A|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-333-33-333-------| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7----------------------| Pre verse e|--------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------55-555-55-555-------| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7--55-555-55-555-------| A|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-333-33-333-------| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7----------------------| Verse (It's simple to figure out the palm mute) e|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--5----------------5--------10--------5-----------------5----------------| D|--5- 16x --5- --5- 8x --10- 8x ---5- 8x --5- ---5- 8x ----------| A|--3--------5- 8x --3---------8--------3--------5- 8x --3----------------| D|-----------5-----------------------------------5-------------------------| Pre chours e|-----------------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------55-555-55-555-\--| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7--55-555-55-555-\--| A|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-333-33-333-\--| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7-------------------| Chours e-------------------------------------------------------------------| b-------------------------------------------------------------------| g---55555555------------55555555------------------------------------| d---55555555--33333333--55555555--33333333--77777777--33333333------| a---33333333--33333333--33333333--33333333--77777777--33333333------| D-------------33333333------------33333333--77777777--33333333------| e|---------------------------------------------------------------| b|---------------------------------------------------------------| g|-5-/-7-/-9--/-12-/-10-/-9-/-7-/-5-- -------------------------| d|-x-/-x-/-x--/--x-/--x-/-x-/-x-/-x-- x 2 --88888888--77777777--| a|-3-/-5-/-7--/-10-/--8-/-7-/-5-/-3----------88888888--77777777--| D|-------------------------------------------88888888--77777777--| e|---------------------------------| b|---------------------------------| g|-77777777------------5-55-5-55---| d|-77777777--99999999--5-55-5-55---| a|-55555555--99999999--3-33-3-33---| D|-----------99999999--------------| * Verse (with acoustic guitar?) Pre chours (little different) e|-----------------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------55-555-\--| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7---55-555-\--| A|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7---33-333-\--| D|-\33-2-3-5-77-5-7--33-2-3-5-77-5-7-------------| * Chours Bridge e|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------5~-----------------------------------------------------------------| D|--3~--5~--2~--3~--2~--5~---7~--3~--10~--6~--7~--5555-7777-9999-10101010--| A|--3~--3~--2~--3~--2~--5~---7~--3~--10~--6~--7~--5555-7777-9999-10101010--| D|--3~------2~--3~--2~--5~---7~--3~--10~--6~--7~--5555-7777-9999-10101010--| .... .... .... ........ Chours e|--------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------| G|--77777777------------77777777--------------------------------| D|--77777777--55555555--77777777--55555555--99999999--55555555--| A|--55555555--55555555--55555555--55555555--99999999--55555555--| D|------------55555555------------55555555--99999999--55555555--| e|------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-7-/-9-/-11-/-14-/-12-/-11-/-9-/-7-- ---------------------------------| D|-x-/-x-/--x-/--x-/--x-/--x-/-x-/-x-- x 2 --1010101010101010--99999999--| A|-5-/-7-/--9-/-12-/-10-/--9-/-7-/-5----------1010101010101010--99999999--| D|--------------------------------------------1010101010101010--99999999--| e|----------------------------------------------------------------| B|----------------------------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------------| D|--22222222--77777777--22222222--77777777--22222222--777777777~--| A|--22222222--77777777--22222222--77777777--22222222--777777777~--| D|--22222222--77777777--22222222--77777777--22222222--777777777~--| e|---------------| B|---------------| G|--7-77-7-77-7--| D|--7-77-7-77-7--| A|--5-55-5-55-5--| D|---------------| I've always played the fool around here I'm starting to worry that I rush through life forgetting to breathe We all need some time to adapt No one understands No one understands what it's like I had high hopes of silver and gold I thought things could change for the best My mom always said I was named for a saint But I never felt I was blessed No one understands No one understands No one understands what its like I got your cure right here Is that what you wanna hear? I played the fool too many times I've been catching up for all my lies And it seems It gets harder to believe It gets harder but be honest If the sun don't shine tomorrow, We'll survive I turn this up as loud as it goes And it ain't too much for the pain It's up to me and the heart on my sleeve That hasn't quite been the same No one understands No one understands No one understands what it's like I got your cure right here Is that what you wanna hear? I played the fool too many times I've been catching up for all my lies And it seems It gets harder to believe It gets harder but be honest If the sun don't shine tomorrow, We'll survive I'm in a field of land mines A cruise ship, the hell oh But I dont think about that It's so hard to find help these days When everyone's counting on me But I'm burnt already I got your cure right here Is that what you wanna hear? I played the fool too many times I've been catching up for all my lies And it seems It gets harder to believe It gets harder but be honest If the sun don't shine tomorrow, If the sun don't shine tomorrow, If the sun don't shine tomorrow, Then we'll survive --------- Tuning: Standard EADGBe Key: C, D Chords used: C - x32010 Em - 022000 F - 133211 G - 320003 Am - x02210 Bb - x13331 A - x02220 G7 - 320001 E - 022100 Fm - 133111 D - xx0232 Bm - x24432 A7 - x02020 B - x24442 Verse 1: C I've always played the fool around here G C I'm starting to worry that F I rush through life C forgetting to breath G C We all need some time to adapt Refrain 1: F Em F G Am G Am G No one understands F Em F G Am G Am No one understands G C What it's like Post Chorus: F--Em-F-G-Am--G-Am-G-- x3, C--C-C- x2 Verse 2: C I had high hopes of silver and gold G I thought this could C change for the best F My mom always said I C was named for a saint G But I never felt C I was blessed Refrain 2: F Em F G Am G Am G No one understands F Em F G Am G Am G No one understands F Em F G Am G Am No one understands G C C--C-C, C--C-C- What it's like Chorus 1: C G F I got your cure right here C G F Is that what you want to hear? Am I've played the fool too many times F I've been catching up For all my life C And it seems G F It gets harder to C G believe it gets F Bb A harder but Be ho-nest Dm If the sun don't shine G7 C--C-C, C--C-C- tomorrow we'll survive Verse 3: C I turn this up as loud as it goes G And it ain't doing C much for the pain F It's up to me and C the heart on my sleeve G That hasn't C quite been the same Refrain 3: F Em F G Am G Am G No one understands F Em F G Am G Am G No one understands F Em F G Am G Am No one understands G C C--C-C What it's like Chorus 2: C G F I got your cure right here C G F Is that what you want to hear? Am I've played the fool too many times F I've been catching up For all my life C And it seems G F It gets harder to C G believe it gets F Bb A harder but Be ho-nest Dm If the sun don't shine G7 C-- G tomorrow we'll survive Bridge: Fm C I'm in a field of landmines E F A cruise ship to hell C G O but I don't think about that Am F It's so hard to find help these days C E F When everyone's counting on me G Am Bb C But I'm burnt al-rea-dy Chorus 3: Modulate from C to D D A G I got your cure right here D A G Is that what you want to hear? Bm I've played the fool too many times G I've been catching up For all my life D And it seems A G It gets harder to D A believe it gets G C B harder but Be ho-nest Em If the sun don't shine A7 tomorrow Em If the sun don't shine A7 tomorrow Em If the sun don't shine A7-- D--D-D-, D--D-D-A-D(hold) tomorrow then we'll survive ------