TAB by Song : 43920
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Loose Fit by Happy Mondays Loose Fit Tuning: Standard Main Riff E|--------4------6--------4~~-----| B|-----6--------------------------| G|--5--------5/7------3/5---------| D|--------------------------------| A|--------------------------------| E|--------------------------------| (no guitar during the verses) Chorus E|-------| B|-------| G|---3---| D|---3---| A|---1---| E|-------| x4 Do what you’re doing.. | / slide up | slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note -------------------- version 2 the lead guitar is played with a chorus effect intro e|-----5------7--------2------5---------------| b|---7--7-------------------------------------| g|-6------6/8---8--2/4---4--6-----------------| D|--------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------| that is the main riff it is to hard to ehar wut the back ground guitar is playing cause the volum is to low on his amp low ----------