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Jamie by Weezer Jamie Tuning: half-step down(Eb,Ab,Db,Gb,Bb,Eb) *chord diagrams on bottom* [INTRO/VERSE] "Ja-eee-uh-may, whatchoo doin now..." G - D - G - D (repeat MANY times) [PRECHORUS] "When I was down, you came to me..." G - D - Em - C G - D - Em - C G - D - G - D [Little Riff Before Chorus] eb|-----------------------| Bb|-----------------------| Gb|-----------------------| Db|-----------------------| Ab|--/77777-----3333-0----| Eb|---------7~------------| [CHORUS] "Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine..." G - Bm - Em - D - C G - D - Em - C *CHORD DIAGRAMS* eb|--3----0----2----0----0----2--| Bb|--3----1----3----1----0----3--| Gb|--0----0----2----2----0----4--| Db|--0----2----0----2----2----4--| Ab|--2----3----x----0----2----2--| Eb|--3----x----x----x----0----x--| G C D Am Em Bm Jamie, what you doin' now What you doin' now girl? Please, please tell me Cuz I need to know, I need to know now When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time Jamie, who's faxin' you now? Who's dialin' your car phone? Please, please be true You know that I trust you, do that which you must do When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time You've got the Beach Boys, and your firm's got the Stones But I know you won't leave me alone Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time You are the most, you're so rad, you're so fresh And I'm so glad I am yours, you are mine Show me where and I will sign When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting waiting Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time Jamie, believe me, I won't let you down Cuz you are the best lawyer in town. Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much I love you so much, I love you so... much... --------------- version 2 Eb|----3-------2-------0-------0--------2-------------------------------| Bb|----3-------3-------0-------1--------3-------------------------------| Gb|----0-------2-------0-------0--------4-------------------------------| Db|----0-------0-------2-------2--------4-------------------------------| Ab|----2---------------2-------3--------2-------------------------------| Eb|----3----------------------------------------------------------------| G D Em C Bm Eb|----3-3-3--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-----| Bb|----3-3-3--x-x--3-3-3-3--x-----| Gb|----0-0-0--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-----| x12 Db|----0-0-0-------0---0-0--------| Ab|----2-2-2----------------------| Eb|----3-3-3----------------------| Jamie, whatchoo doing now, whatchoo doing now girl... Eb|--3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--0-0-0-0--1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0---| x2 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2-2-2-2-----------2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3-3-3-3------------------------------| when i was down you came to me... Eb|--3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3--x-x--2-2-2-2---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--x-x--3-3-3-3---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--x-x--2-2-2-2---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-------0-0-0-0---| Ab|--2-2-2-2-----------2-2-2-2-----------------| Eb|--3-3-3-3-----------3-3-3-3-----------------| Jamie, I want you to know... Eb|----------------------------| Bb|----------------------------| Gb|--7-7-9-9-9--4--x-5-5-5-2---| x1 Db|----------------x-----------| Ab|--5-5-7-7-7--2--x-3-3-3-0---| Eb|----------------------------| Eb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--3-3-3-3-3-3-0--0-0--3-3-3-3--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0--0-0-0-0-0--4-4-4-4-4-4-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0--0-0-0-0----4-4-4-4---4----2-2--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2--2-2---2----2-2-2-2---2----2-2-----------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3--3-3---3---------------------------------------------------| Jamie Jamie I'm so glad you're mine Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--1--1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--4--4-4--4-4-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0----0--0----0------4--4----4------2--2---2---2-----| Ab|--2-2-2-2--2---------------------2--2----2------3--3---3---3-----| Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-----------------------------------------------------| we'll be together a long time... Eb|----3-3-3--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-x---| Bb|----3-3-3--x-x--3-3-3-3--x-x---| Gb|----0-0-0--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-x---| x12 Db|----0-0-0-------0---0-0--------| Ab|----2-2-2----------------------| Eb|----3-3-3----------------------| hoo ooh hoo ooh, Jamie who's faxing you now... Eb|--3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--0-0-0-0--1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0---| x2 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2-2-2-2-----------2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3-3-3-3------------------------------| when I was down you came to me... Eb|--3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3--x-x--2-2-2-2---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--x-x--3-3-3-3---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--x-x--2-2-2-2---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-------0-0-0-0---| Ab|--2-2-2-2-----------2-2-2-2-----------------| Eb|--3-3-3-3-----------3-3-3-3-----------------| Jamie I want you to know... Eb|----------------------------| Bb|----------------------------| Gb|--7-7-9-9-9--4--x-5-5-5-2---| x1 Db|----------------x-----------| Ab|--5-5-7-7-7--2--x-3-3-3-0---| Eb|----------------------------| Eb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--3-3-3-3-3-3-0--0-0--3-3-3-3--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0--0-0-0-0-0--4-4-4-4-4-4-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0--0-0-0-0----4-4-4-4---4----2-2--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2--2-2---2----2-2-2-2---2----2-2-----------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3--3-3---3---------------------------------------------------| Jamie Jamie I'm so glad you're mine... Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--1--1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--4--4-4--4-4-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0----0--0----0------4--4----4------2--2---2---2-----| Ab|--2-2-2-2--2---------------------2--2----2------3--3---3---3-----| Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-----------------------------------------------------| we'll be together a long time... Eb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--3-3-3-3-3-3-0--0-0--3-3-3-3--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0--0-0-0-0-0--4-4-4-4-4-4-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0--0-0-0-0----4-4-4-4---4----2-2--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2--2-2---2----2-2-2-2---2----2-2-----------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3--3-3---3---------------------------------------------------| you've got the beach boys... Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--1--1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--4--4-4--4-4-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0----0--0----0------4--4----4------2--2---2---2-----| Ab|--2-2-2-2--2---------------------2--2----2------3--3---3---3-----| Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-----------------------------------------------------| but I know you won't leave me alone... Eb|--3-3--3-3p0-2-2-2-2-0-0--3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2-3-3-3-3-2-2-2-2---| Bb|--3-3--3-----3-3-3-3-1-1--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| Gb|--0-0--2-----4-4-4-4-0-0--0-0-0-0-2-2-2-2-0-0-0-0-2-2-2-2---| x2 Db|--0-0--------4-4-4-4-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| Ab|--2-2--------2-2-2-2-3-3--2-2-2-2---------2-2-2-2-----------| Eb|--3-3---------------------3-3-3-3---------3-3-3-3-----------| sometimes it seems you're not with me... Eb|-------------------------------------------------------------| Bb|-------------------------------------------------------------| Gb|-4-7-5-5-5p4-4-4-0-2-0-4-4-4-0-2-0-4-0-----------------------| x1 Db|---------------------------------------2p0--0-0-2-5-5-2-0----| Ab|-------------------------------------------------------------| Eb|-------------------------------------------------------------| (Solo) Eb|------------------------------0h3-0h3-0h3-0h3-0--2-2-3--7-7-7-7-7---| Bb|---------------------8-----0h3----------------5--3-3-3--8-8-8-8-8---| Gb|-4-7-5-5-5p4-4-4-7-5-7--0h2----------------------2-2-2--------------| x1 Db|--------------------------------------------------------------------| Ab|--------------------------------------------------------------------| Eb|--------------------------------------------------------------------| (Solo) Eb|--3-3-3-3--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3--0-0-0-0--1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0---| x4 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2--2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2-2-2-2-----------2-2-2-2--3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3-3-3-3------------------------------| you're the most, you're so rad, you're so fresh and i'm so glad... Eb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--3-3-3-3-3-3-0--0-0--3-3-3-3--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0--0-0-0-0-0--4-4-4-4-4-4-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0--0-0-0-0----4-4-4-4---4----2-2--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2--2-2---2----2-2-2-2---2----2-2-----------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3--3-3---3---------------------------------------------------| Jamie Jamie I'm so glad you're mine... Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--1--1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--4--4-4--4-4-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0----0--0----0------4--4----4------2--2---2---2-----| Ab|--2-2-2-2--2---------------------2--2----2------3--3---3---3-----| Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-----------------------------------------------------| we'll be together a long time... Eb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3--3-3-3-3-0--3-3-3-3-3-3-0--0-0--3-3-3-3--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0--0-0-0-0-0--4-4-4-4-4-4-0--0-0--2-2-2-2--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0--0-0-0-0----4-4-4-4---4----2-2--0-0-0-0--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2---| Ab|--2--2-2---2----2-2-2-2---2----2-2-----------3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3---| Eb|--3--3-3---3---------------------------------------------------| Jamie believe me i won't let you down Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| Bb|--3-3-3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--3--3-3--3-3-0--1--1-1-1-1-1-1---| Gb|--0-0-0-0--0-0-0--2--2-2--2-2-0--4--4-4--4-4-0--0--0-0-0-0-0-0---| x1 Db|--0-0-0-0--0-0----0--0----0------4--4----4------2--2---2---2-----| Ab|--2-2-2-2--2---------------------2--2----2------3--3---3---3-----| Eb|--3-3-3-3--3-----------------------------------------------------| cause you are the best lawyer in town Eb|----3-3-3--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-x--| Bb|----3-3-3--x-x--3-3-3-3--x-x---| Gb|----0-0-0--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-x---| x4 Db|----0-0-0-------0---0-0--------| Ab|----2-2-2----------------------| Eb|----3-3-3----------------------| it hurts me so much... i love you so... Eb|----------------------------| Bb|----------------------------| Gb|--7-7-9-9-9--4--x-5-5-5-2---| x1 Db|----------------x-----------| Ab|--5-5-7-7-7--2--x-3-3-3-0---| Eb|----------------------------| much... Eb|----3-3-3--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-x---| Bb|----3-3-3--x-x--3-3-3-3--x-x---| Gb|----0-0-0--x-x--2-2-2-2--x-x---| x2 Db|----0-0-0-------0---0-0--------| Ab|----2-2-2----------------------| Eb|----3-3-3----------------------| hoo ooh, hoo ooh... Eb|---------------------------3---| Bb|---------------------------3---| Gb|--7-7-9-9-9--4--x-5-5-5-2--0---| x1 Db|--7-7-9-9-9--4--x-5-5-5-2--0---| Ab|--5-5-7-7-7--2--x-3-3-3-0--2---| Eb|---------------------------3---| Jamie, what you doin' now What you doin' now girl? Please, please tell me Cuz I need to know, I need to know now When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time Jamie, who's faxin' you now? Who's dialin' your car phone? Please, please be true You know that I trust you, do that which you must do When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time You've got the Beach Boys, and your firm's got the Stones But I know you won't leave me alone Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time You are the most, you're so rad, you're so fresh And I'm so glad I am yours, you are mine Show me where and I will sign When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting waiting Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time Jamie, believe me, I won't let you down Cuz you are the best lawyer in town. Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much I love you so much, I love you so... much... --------------- version 3 solo |---Play Fast-----| e-------------------------------------------------------------| B-------------------------------------------------------------| G-4-7-5-5-5p4-4-0-0-2-0-4-4-0-0-2-0-4-0------------0-0--------| D---------------------------------------2p0--0-0-2-----2-0----| A-------------------------------------------------------------| E-------------------------------------------------------------| e--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------------------------------------------| G-4-7-5-5-5/4-4-4/5-5-5/7-7-7/9-9-9/11-11-11/12-12-12/14141414/1616161616--| D--------------------------------------------------------------------------| A-2-5-3-3-3/2-2-2/3-3-3/5-5-5/7-7-7/-9--9--9/10-10-10/12121212/1414141414--| E--------------------------------------------------------------------------| This is the build-up and you can improvise (which implies that i may not be 100% on the and the last 2 chords are played fast) Jamie, what you doin' now What you doin' now girl? Please, please tell me Cuz I need to know, I need to know now When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time Jamie, who's faxin' you now? Who's dialin' your car phone? Please, please be true You know that I trust you, do that which you must do When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting patiently Jamie, I want you to know Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time You've got the Beach Boys, and your firm's got the Stones But I know you won't leave me alone Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time You are the most, you're so rad, you're so fresh And I'm so glad I am yours, you are mine Show me where and I will sign When I was down, You came to me And promised you'd always be By my side, now you're gone And I'm waiting waiting Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time Jamie, believe me, I won't let you down Cuz you are the best lawyer in town. Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much Sometimes it seems you're not with me It hurts me so much, it hurts me so much I love you so much, I love you so... much... --------------- version 4 *Chords* E----2-------4-------6-------2--------1-------------------------------| B----2-------6-------7-------4--------2-------------------------------| G----3-------6-------8-------4--------3-------------------------------| D----4-------6-------8-------4--------3-------------------------------| A----4-------4-------6-------2--------1-------------------------------| E----2----------------------------------------------------------------| F# C# D#m B Bbm -Intro- (acoustic) F# C# F# C# then repeat the above with distortion... drums and bass enter here as well -Verse 1- F# C# F# C# F# Jay hee may watchoo doin now C# F# C# Watchoo doin now girl F# C# F# C# F# Please please tell me cause I need to know C# F# C# I need to know now -Pre chorous- F# C# D#m B F# When I was down came to me and promised you'd always be F# C# D#m B F# by my side now you're gone and I'm waiting patiently F# C# F# C# Jay hee may I want you to know -Guitar Fill- (lasts 1 bar = 4 counts) (this looks more difficult than it is) e----------------------------------------------------4-------2--| B----------------------------------------------------4-------2--| G--6--/8--8--8--8-------3----------4----4---4--4-----4-------3--| D----------------------------------------------------6-------4--| A--4--/6--6--6--6-------1----------2----2---2--2-----6-------4--| E----------------------------------------------------4-------2--| 1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a 4 e and a 1 -Chorous- F# Bbm D#m C# B Jamie Jamie I'm so glad you're mine F# C# Bbm B We'll be together a long time F# C# \___ repeats Hoo hoo hoo!! / 4 times -verse 2- F# C# (repeating) Jamie, Whatchoo doing now? ("Who's faxing you now?" in acoustic version) Who's dialing your car phone? Please please be true You know that I trust you To do that which you must do -Pre chorous- F# C# D#m B F# When I was down came to me and promised you'd always be F# C# D#m B F# by my side now you're gone and I'm waiting patiently F# C# F# C# Jay hee may I want you to know -Guitar Fill- -Chorous- F# Bbm D#m C# B Jamie Jamie I'm so glad you're mine F# C# Bbm B We'll be together a long time F# Bbm D#m C# B You've got the Beach Boys and your firm's got the stones F# C# Bbm B But I know you won't leave me alone -Fill- F# C# D#m B ------\ Sometimes it seems you're not with me \ \___ Repeats F# C# F# C# / It hurts me so much It hurts me so much _______/ -Guitar solo- (rhythm guitar plays F# and C# repeatedly) e--/5-8-6-6-5-5-------------------------------------------------| B--------------6-8-6-10-10-8-6-8-6-10-6--------6----------------| G--------------------------------------7-5-5-7------------------| D---------------------------------------------------------------| A---------------------------------------------------------------| E---------------------------------------------------------------| That's the first half of the solo, the basic melody. The second half is no fun unless you just make it up on the fly. -Pre chorous- F# C# D#m B You are the most you're so rad you're so fresh and I'm so F# C# D#m B F# Glad I am yours, you are mine show me where and I will sign F# C# D#m B F# When I was down came to me and promised you'd always be F# C# D#m B by my side now you're gone and I'm waiting waiting -Chorous- F# Bbm D#m C# B Jamie Jamie I'm so glad you're mine F# C# Bbm B We'll be together a long time F# Bbm D#m C# B Jamie, believe me, I won't let you down F# C# Bbm B 'cause You are the best lawyer in town -Fill- F# C# D#m B ------\ Sometimes it seems you're not with me \ \___ Repeats F# C# F# C# / It hurts me so much It hurts me so much _______/ F# C# F# C# I love ya so much, I love ya so...... -Guitar fill- F# much F# C# \___ repeats Hoo hoo hoo!! / 2 times -Guitar fill- --------------- version 5 G D When I was down B came to me C G and promised always to be D by my side B now you're gone C G and I'm waiting patiently GGGxxDDD /E E E E B B B C C Jamie, I want you to know... G B Jamie, Jamie, E D C I'm so glad you're mine G D B C We'll be together a long time GGGxxDDD Who hoo (4x) GGGxxDDD Jamie, Should do it now You're starting to ??? cough-on / car-phone ??? Please please be true You know that I trust you do that what you must do (G D B C) When I was down came to me and promised to always be by my side now you're gone and I'm waiting patiently GGGxxDDD /E E E E B B B C C Jamie, I want you to know... G B Jamie, Jamie, E D C I'm so glad you're mine G D B C We'll be together a long time (G B E D C) You've got the beach boards Your friends got the stones (G D B C) But I know, you won't need me along G D Sometimes it seems, \ B C You're not with me, | G D |== TWICE It hurts me so much | G D It hurts me so much / G D You are the most, B You're so rad C You're so fresh G and I'm so bad G D B I am yours, you are mine C G show me where and I will sign (G D B C) When I was down came to me and promised awlays to be by my side now you're gone and I'm waiting Jamie, Jamie, I'm so glad you're mine We'll be together a long time G B Jamie, believe me, E D C I won't let you down, G 'cause you are D B C the best lawyer in town Sometimes it seems, \ You're not with me, | |== TWICE It hurts me so much | It hurts me so much / G D I love you so much G D /E E E E B B B C C GGGxxDDD I love you sooooooo....... much GGGxxDDD Who hoo (2x) /E E E E B B B C C G --------------